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Nana Dianne “Iya-Ile Obosum Adua” Harris

(e-yah e-lay oh-bow-soom ah-jwa)  meaning: mother (Iya) of the house (Ile) and spirit (Obosum) of her day of birth (Adua/Monday).


Iya Ile Obosum Adua is the total sum her name defines, mother of the house, a grandmother of fourteen children, a loving wife and a source of inspiration to everyone who knows her.


Iya Ile is a

         25 years as Business owner of DC Salon.

         Director of Cultural Enrichment, After-School and Summer Camp programs.

         Director/Choreographer for the Ayubu Kamau Sacred Afrikan Drum & Dance Society.

*         Founder and Program Director of the Ayubu Kamau Kings and Queens African Drum
      and Dance School and Dance Company.


Iya Ile successfully completed her Adult Rite of Passage Program from the International Institute of Afrikan Studies and Knowledge, Inc., and conducts rite of passage programs for young girls entering into womanhood.


As a performing artist, Iya Ile has the natural gift of captivating the audience as she is able to transform into the spirit of the dance and her always pleasant smile. 


For 22 years as an Instructor, Director and Choreographer, Ile gained her credentials and blessings to become a dance instructor from Baba Ayubu Kamau before his passing in September 1995 and will continue to dance and teach as long as the Creator allows.  Ase.